Instant Auto Credit Application - Customer Testimonials


Susie Scadden
Susie ScaddenPartner & COO, McKaig Chevrolet Buick
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"We implemented the Instant Screen Credit App at the end of April and since having it in place within our dealership we have seen tremendous growth particularly in the area of Equity Mining. We use this product to help convert service guests to sales guests. In the first month of having it in place we attributed at least a dozen Equity Mining deals to the Instant Screen Credit App. We have also added the "30 Second Credit App" to our websites and have found that our online shoppers are much more comfortable submitting these pre-qualification applications than a full, Social Security number capturing full credit application. Moreover, it has been so easy to adapt this Instant Screen to our internal processes."
Randy Holt
Randy HoltInternet Director, Santa Fe Ford
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“At the beginning of September we were set up on the Instant Auto Credit App. After having it installed on several places throughout our website Jason D., my account manager recommended we try an email campaign to maximize our potential leads. Using a template from ProMax I modified it slightly by adding our logo and a hyperlink to our Instant Auto Credit App. We sent it out on Sept. 24th and over the next 5 days we had 41 leads delivered to our ProMax CRM system. We have delivered 4 to 6 of those leads and my department is still actively working these leads. Gross Profits range between $800.00 - $2200.00, those numbers make for an incredible return on investment on the small monthly charge for the application. We are in a dealership that is located in a rural area and internet and repeat traffic is our only traffic, so having a positive internet presence is a must for us. Adding the Instant Auto credit app has helped us capitalize on our traffic by converting more leads with its quick, fast and easy application.”
Tricia Nunn
Tricia NunnBDC Manager, Herbies Auto Sales
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“Everyone is so fast paced these days and this link has given us such an advantage over our competitors. It helps us see current auto summary info from their credit bureau and it gives us their FICO score! This has also eliminated almost all of our bad leads! It's very rare that we see bogus information being entered into the application, which helps our department work on good leads and not having to filter the bad ones out! It is very simple to use and very user friendly for our customers! ”
Internet Team, Reynolds Motor Company
Internet Team, Reynolds Motor CompanyInternet Team, Reynolds Motor Company
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“The Instant Auto Credit Application has been a great tool for our dealership. We use the application more as a marketing tool then credit application. We have had a pretty aggressive online and print campaign going in our area for almost a year and a half and still yield excellent results month after month. We created display ads that are displayed on the google search network for 50 miles around our dealership utilizing pay per click. We also create engaging posts on Facebook and twitter encouraging our fans to get preapproved in seconds and to get their credit score for free! The Instant Auto Credit App surpassed our other providers as our best lead provider outside of our dealership website. We LOVE it!"
Lauren Cleven
Lauren ClevenCustomer Care Manager, Elder Mitsubishi
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“The Instant Auto Credit App is the best lead generator we have on our website! The form is super short and easy for our customers to fill out. We have definitely increased our sales by adding this feature to our website. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to expand their leads. We also use the ProMax website which we are very happy with. The design team and customer service is great. It provides great functionality and with the Online Management tool we have the ability to make changes our self. The ProMax website and Instant Auto Credit App make for a great combination.”
David Frank
David FrankGM, Pierre Money Mart
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In the past we have typically generated our own organic leads in the usual methods to drive them to our credit app on our websites. When ProMax rolled out the Instant Auto Credit Application, we integrated it into our sites and saw an immediate increase in both the volume and contact response in our lead counts. The click through rate almost tripled, and after slightly tweaking our contact process we saw our appointment and closing rates increase by close to 65%. We average 200 + Special Finance deals per month at slightly over $4,300 per unit. A considerable portion of these are directly due to the Instant Screen app. Our staff recognizes these leads, are excited to work them, and the results speak for themselves. Any dealership serious about capturing a higher percentage of web visits into leads, deals, and gross profit should be utilizing the Instant Screen application.
Michael Stahl
Michael StahlBDM/ISM, Rath Auto Resources
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“The Instant Auto Credit Application has helped us generate more quality leads every month from our websites. From day one of having the app on our website, we have had an appointment show ratio of 34% and have delivered 60% of those leads. The odds of delivering an Instant Auto app is as good, if not better than those customers who fill out a full blown online credit application. I would recommend the Instant Screen Auto Credit Application to everyone who is looking to get more internet leads with a higher chance to deliver them.”
Travis Scheaffer
Travis ScheafferE-Commerce Director, AutoCenters Dealer Group
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“We have been using the Instant Auto Credit app for 4 months now. And with the help of the team at ProMax, the initial set up couldn't have gone smoother. They were able to meet some of my custom requests, and worked perfectly with my website provider to have it installed properly. I like that we can advertise the fact our customers can get their credit score and pre-approval, and it doesn't show up on their credit report. I also really love that it is a simple form, and it doesn't require a social security number to get started. After seeing such positive results from our initial Instant Auto Credit App form, I decided to sign up 5 more of our businesses with this service. Since its inception, leads at each store have seen an impressive increase. We have been seeing over 150 to 200 form submissions in a one month period at one location. I've been in the business doing digital advertising for 7 years; this is the best credit application I have ever used!”
Alisa Rocha
Alisa RochaInternet Manager, Carmack Car Capitol
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"We really like our Instant Auto Credit App. We have been using it since February of 2014. I feel we get a much higher quality lead than other 3rd party leads we have tried. One of the best things about the Instant Auto Credit App is that the customer does all the work for you! We have it advertised all over our websites and have found that customers are very comfortable submitting their information without having to give a social security number. It is turning our website traffic into leads!“
Clayton Blevins
Clayton BlevinsOwner, 224 Auto Sales/Cheap Heaps
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“We have been ProMax customers for about 7 months. We utilize their Website hosting services and Instant Auto Credit App. The Instant Auto Credit App is our best lead generator and is garnering more leads than our previous and current best sources. In two months, we generated 508 internet leads and 183 of them came from the Instant Auto Credit App. That is over 36% of our leads! These leads have the best “set to show” ratio of all of our lead sources. Our website traffic is up substantially due to our unique and custom designed website that ProMax built for us, I would highly recommend using ProMax if you want to increase and grow your website traffic and leads!”
Courtesy Nissan
Courtesy Nissan
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“We were introduced to the Instant Auto Credit App and signed up to give it a try. In our first 3 weeks we received 28 leads, sold 7 of them and made $21,077 in total gross profit. The return on our investment was outstanding! We increased our closing ratios by having the customers contact info, auto summary and credit score when qualifying and working these leads. We recommended the Instant Auto Credit App to all our sister stores.”
Rob Kneer
Rob KneerPekin Auto Loans
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We have worked with several website development companies and have felt that it has always seemed to be more complicated than it should be. Not the case with ProMax! The customer service and responsiveness I get from them is superb. The Instant auto credit application delivers us a constant and consistent steam of leads on a daily basis. I recommend ProMax to any dealership that is looking for a new website and lead generating tool!