Email Campaign FAQs

Q. How are the new “Email Campaigns” different from the old “bulk email”?
A. The new Email Campaigns feature detailed reporting that enables you to track ROI, data-rich drilldowns allowing you to get as granular as you want, and A/B testing capabilities that take your email marketing to the next level.

Q. How do I get to the new “Email Campaigns”?
A. The same way you previously accessed bulk email: through the Communications navigation under the Prospects or Owner Base tab in ProMax. The Email Campaign Report is available from both the ProMax and the ProMax Mobile Reports menus.

Q. How do I know specifically what each column on the Report means?
A. There is a handy Report Key in the upper right hand corner.  This key defines all the columns.

Q. How accurate are the Open Rates?
A. Open Rates are a relative, as opposed to absolute, measure.  There are a number of email clients that can block or interfere with the tracking of Opens, meaning that an exact count is not possible for mass mailings.  The Open data that can be collected still has much value, but should not be considered definitive.  Here is some more information on Open Rates and their relative accuracy.

Q: Google made changes to cache images detected in mass emails which had a side effect to reduce the effectiveness of email campaigns metrics – are ProMax campaigns also affected by these changes?
A: ProMax formats the images within your campaign messages to help reduce the chance that Google will cache the images on their servers, which effectively blocks tracking number of Opens.

Q. What is A/B testing and how can I set it up?
A. It’s a great way to figure out what’s working and what isn’t with your email marketing, beyond just sending out a message and counting the ROI after a few months.  For any email campaign you send out you can designate up to 4 different groups, and make targeted changes to each to see which your customers will respond to more.  For instance, you could send out a message promoting a sale, but with one subject line going to half your list (“We’ll add $1,000 to the value of your trade-in”) and a different subject line going to the other half (“Limited time offer – don’t miss out!”).  Or the same subject line, but with different templates/messages going to different groups.  Or the same message, but different pictures or links in the body of the message.  Which version works better?  Which generates more clicks?  Which leads to more sales?

Q. If a customer receives messages from multiple campaigns then unsubscribes or registers a spam report from one of them, which campaign’s analytics will it count towards?
A. Any action not specific to a particular email campaign will count towards the most recent campaign that customer has received.

Q. Can I cancel or stop a campaign if I made a mistake?
A. Yes, if the campaign is scheduled to go out at a later time/date you can go to the report any time prior to sending and click on the “Cancel” link in the Status column. If you scheduled it to go out immediately, you may still be able to prevent some recipients from getting the email. Sending to large groups happens in batches (not all at once), so clicking ‘Cancel’ would prevent sending to any remaining batches.

Want to find out more about deliverability and different email service providers? Check out our Best Practices Frequently Asked Questions page.