

Connect your website with a FREE Google Analytics account and immediately start tracking your site’s analytics such as conversion rates, unique and total visits, the average time spent on a page, visitor geographic location, visitor age, devices used, and much more!

Utilizing the free analytics suite offered by Google not only increases your awareness it allows you to increase your website’s effectiveness. Through the many bits of information, you can analyze visitor traffic to identify how customers are reaching your site, helping to ensure you’re getting the most out of your marketing dollars and website SEO. You’ll also see in real time what devices they are using to access your site, though rest assured that your website built by ProMax is optimized with desktop, tablet and smartphones in mind! You can even track trends to ensure your site is built to cater to the needs of your individual customer base, see where your customers are going, or more importantly where they aren’t going! As you will have full back-end access to your site and our support staff to rearrange as needed to ensure your site is maximized to its full potential.

Integration of Google Analytics throughout your website is quick, easy and best of all it’s FREE! Simply contact our website support staff and include the installation script provided via Google for your site. We will ensure that all pages of your site have the coding properly placed and will assist with any questions you might have. Within 24 hours you will start seeing hundreds of data-points all at your disposal.